Data protection and data security are important to AG («Physiozentrum»; «we»). We process your personal data responsibly, in accordance with applicable legal provisions and in accordance with this privacy policy.

Content of this privacy policy

In this privacy policy, we inform you about how and for what purpose we collect and process personal data about you when you find out about our range of services, apply to us or use our services.

Controller responsible for data processing

Physiozentrum is responsible for the data processing described in this privacy policy.

If you have any questions or would like to exercise your rights as a data subject under data protection law, please contact us at or write to us at AG
Spitalgasse 4
9000 St. Gallen

Provision of our healthcare services

Data collection in the context of the provision of healthcare services in one of our practices or via video consultation

In connection with your treatment, we process general personal data and health data.

We collect general personal data (namely name, contact details and date of birth) via a digital form when you make an online booking or on site at the practice using your insurance card or by accessing a database from your insurance company. Further information on the doctors providing treatment and your insurance company can be found on the prescription or you can provide us with this information yourself when you are admitted.

When you are admitted as a patient, you also provide us with information about your past or current state of health, your physiotherapy and therapy progress as well as the use and billing of supplementary healthcare services on the health/finding questionnaire (physical or digital form). If you do not provide health data in the health questionnaire as part of the admission process, it may be necessary for the Physiozentrum to make an inquiry.

Our therapists collect or create health data (in the form of text, images, sound or video) during the examination or treatment in the practice or as part of a consultation via video conference. These are recorded in a patient file. We also receive health data from doctors who refer you to us or who have already treated you in the past.

Communication with you, information and other services

Personal data processed during communication

If you contact us by e-mail or telephone, send us feedback or inquiries via the contact form on the website, purchase a voucher, apply for a job or register for physiotherapy, a consultation, our events or courses, we collect the information you provide to us. We also collect personal data when you register on the appointment booking portal and book appointments. This includes general personal data such as first name, surname, address, gender, date of birth, e-mail address and telephone number. When you book an appointment (online or on site), we collect the personal data you provide in order to administer the appointment booking.

We also record the billing and delivery address if you order one or more vouchers from us.

In the event that you apply for a position with us, we will store your CV and other details of your qualifications, which you will send to us as part of your application dossier either by e-mail or via the application form on the website.

Provision and use of the website and the appointment booking portal

Use for information purposes

You can find out about the Physiozentrum and our range of services on the website without telling us who you are. As with any connection to a web server, the server on which we make the website and the appointment booking portal available automatically logs and stores certain technical data for a short period of time. This includes the IP address and operating system of your device, the date and time of use and the type of browser you use to access the website or appointment booking portal.

Use of our appointment booking portal

We offer you an appointment booking portal (“appointment booking portal”) for easier appointment booking and administration with us. When you book an appointment via the appointment booking portal or register as a user on the appointment booking portal, we collect the information you provide to us. This includes general personal data such as name and contact details as well as personal information that you enter, upload, generate, save and process when using the appointment booking portal. The provision of health data in this context is always voluntary (we recommend that you do not use the free text field for this purpose).

Web analysis

We use web analysis services (a list of the tools can be found in the transparency statement at the bottom of the page) to evaluate the use of the website and to obtain information for its optimization. The web analysis services we use collect and store user data using cookies. Before they are transmitted to a server outside Switzerland/EU/EEA, the requesting IP addresses are truncated. We therefore do not transmit any personal data to the providers of web analysis services abroad.

In addition, we use cookies to analyze the use of the website and to obtain information to optimize the website.

Advertising technologies

We use advertising technologies on the website and on the appointment booking portal (a list of the tools can be found in the transparency statement at the bottom of the page). This enables us to target users of our website or appointment booking portal with advertising relevant to them when they visit other websites or online platforms and to analyze the success of advertising campaigns (e.g. reach or impression measurement). The advertising material is displayed on the websites you visit based on an analysis of your previous use of our website. For this purpose, the providers of the advertising technologies set cookies when you visit our website or appointment booking portal.

Note on the use of cookies

We use cookies, tags and similar technologies on the website to provide you with the best possible user experience and to help us improve the website. Cookies are text files that are downloaded to your computer or mobile device when you visit a website or use an app.

Some of the cookies we use are necessary to provide certain features of the website. In addition, we use cookies to analyze the use of the website and to obtain information to optimize the website.

You can instruct your browser not to accept cookies or to ask you each time before a cookie is set. You can also delete cookies on your device by using the corresponding function of your browser.

Use of our corporate social media pages

On our company pages on social media, you will find posts about current developments at the Physiozentrum and our range of services. The social media providers collect and analyze usage data such as the number of visitors and demographic information about visitors to our company pages.

We receive evaluations from the social media providers based on this data. These only contain aggregated or otherwise sufficiently anonymized data. Only the respective provider can identify you based on the usage data collected. Therefore, please note the data protection information of the respective provider.

Use and optimization of our newsletter

If you are interested in our newsletter, we collect the information you provide to us. This includes general personal data such as your first name, surname and e-mail address.

You can inform us at any time that you do not wish to receive our newsletter or other general information in future. To do so, please use the unsubscribe link at the end of the newsletter.

We use analysis services to measure and analyze the use of our newsletter. The analysis services collect and analyze usage data such as the number of newsletter recipients who have opened the newsletter or clicked on certain posts. We receive evaluations based on this data.These enable us to optimize our newsletter and provide you with content that is of interest to you.

Photo, video and sound recordings

We make photo, video or sound recordings in the following situations:

  • Recordings of our video surveillance systems in public areas during your visit to some physiotherapy centers (indicated by separate notes on video surveillance).
  • Photographs, videos and sound recordings of customer events and other events (although you can tell us that you do not want close-ups of yourself).

Our handling of your personal data and your rights

For what purposes we process your personal data and on what basis

We process your personal data primarily in order to provide information about our range of services and to provide, document and invoice our services in accordance with our contractual and legal obligations.

We also process your personal data for the following purposes:

  • Answering your inquiries and communicating with you
  • Processing your registration or appointment request
  • Training and further education purposes (whereby we anonymize case descriptions for non-internal use)
  • Answering and processing applications
  • Evaluation and optimization of our services
  • Analyzing and optimizing the use of the website and the appointment booking portal
  • Informing you about new developments and offers from us (e.g. via our newsletter; you can inform us at any time that you do not wish to receive such information in future)
  • Organizing events, competitions and prize draws in which you participate
  • Optimization of our posts on our social media company pages
  • Fulfillment of legal obligations
  • Enforcement of legal claims

As a regulated healthcare provider, we are legally obliged to document our services and bill them in a traceable manner. We must also process your personal data (including health data) in order to fulfill the treatment contract with you. We are also subject to statutory retention obligations. With regard to the other processing purposes mentioned, we have a legitimate interest in processing your personal data in accordance with the purposes. On this basis, we process your personal data if and to the extent that the applicable data protection law requires a legal basis or justification for the lawfulness of data processing in general or for specific processing activities.

How we store and protect your personal data

We only store your personal data to the extent and for as long as is necessary to fulfill the purposes described in this privacy policy or to comply with legal obligations. In the interests of the integrity and confidentiality of personal data, we take appropriate technical and organizational measures. In particular, we implement access controls, access controls and procedures to regularly review, assess and evaluate the effectiveness of the measures in accordance with our risk assessment.

Who we share your personal data with

We share your general personal data and any health data with the following categories of recipients:

  • internally to healthcare professionals who look after and treat you in our practice
  • to doctors or other external healthcare professionals and institutions involved in your treatment (e.g. hospitals)
  • Your health, accident or supplementary insurance
  • external service providers (e.g. IT providers)

This data transfer is necessary so that we can provide, document and invoice our services professionally and in accordance with our contractual and legal obligations. Unless you inform us otherwise, we will assume that you consent to the exchange of reports and other information about your state of health with healthcare professionals involved in your treatment.

We also pass on your personal data to the following categories of recipients based on legal or contractual obligations, for the provision and billing of our services or in your recognizable interest: External service providers and, if applicable, legal representatives, authorities and courts.

Place of processing

We primarily store and process your personal data in Switzerland and the EU. For certain additional services (e.g. newsletters), we also use service providers who process your personal data in the USA.

We transfer data to the USA on the basis of standard data protection clauses or other valid transfer mechanisms (e.g. necessity for contract fulfillment) that are available in accordance with the applicable data protection laws.

Your rights in relation to your personal data

You have the following rights in relation to personal data concerning you:

  • The right to obtain information about what personal data we hold about you and how we process it
  • The right to receive or transfer a copy of your personal data in a commonly used format
  • The right to rectification of your personal data
  • The right to erasure of your personal data
  • The right to object to the processing of your personal data

Please note that legal requirements and exceptions apply to these rights. To the extent permitted by law, we may refuse your request to exercise these rights. You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner (FDPIC).

How we may change this privacy policy

We may amend this Privacy Policy at any time, in particular if we change our data processing or if new legislation becomes applicable. The version provided on our website applies.

Transparency statement on the use of third-party services

We use services from external providers to enable you to use certain functions on the website, to display content and to enable the use and optimization of our apps. Some of the service providers set cookies to enable us to use the services.

Below you will find an overview of the services currently used:

Service Link Provider Purpose
Google Analytics Google Ireland Limited Web analysis
Google Maps Google Ireland Limited Map service
Mailchimp Rocket Science Group Newsletter dispatch and analysis
HubSpot HubSpot, Inc. Newsletter dispatch and analysis


Physiozentrum, July 2024